What do I need to get started shooting in VR?

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Meta Quest 3 (128 GB & 512 GB)
Launched in October 2023, the Quest 3 offers a number of upgrades over the Quest 2. The headset is slimmer and the controllers are self-tracking, meaning they no longer need the bulky halo found on the Quest 2. The result of these upgrades for Simstock users is the ability to shoot using a one controller set-up and zero chance of the headset making contact with the controller no matter how far forward you mount on the gunstock.
Advanced hardware stack and the first headset with the Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2, delivering double the GPU processing power for faster load times and more seamless gameplay compared to Quest 2.
The resolution has been enhanced by nearly 30% compared to Quest 2 for next-level clarity and lifelike graphics. Pancake lens provides a slimmer optic profile without compromising the depth of your visual immersion and provide increased sharpness.
Custom prescription lens are also now available for those of us who wear glasses and wish to play for longer without glass fog.
Meta Quest 3 is available at £409.99 / $379.99 USD (128 GB)
£469.99 / $449.99 USD (512GB).
Meta Quest 3S (128 GB & 256 GB)
Meta’s latest offering is the Quest 3S which was bought out as a direct replacement and upgrade to the Quest 2 headset. The Quest 3S features the same mixed reality experience as Quest 3, with 4.5 times the resolution and colour compared to Quest 2. Visuals are crisper, load times are faster and performance is smoother thanks to the Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2 chipset. Like the Quest 3, the Quest 3S can be used with a one controller set-up with the Simstock. It offers a fantastic product for those shooters who are considering purchasing their first VR headset purely for use with Clay Hunt VR and comes at a fantastic price point.
Prescription lens are also now available for the 3S.
Meta Quest 3S is available at £289.99 / $299.99 USD (128 GB)
£379.99 / $399.99 (256 GB)
Meta Quest Pro (256 GB)
The Quest Pro este căștile premium Meta și multe dintre upgrade-urile pe care le vedeți în Quest 3 au fost introduse pentru prima dată cu Quest Pro. Din nou, există un set cu cască mai subțire și controlere cu auto-urmărire care permit configurarea unui singur controler pentru armă. Quest Pro are lentile și procesor îmbunătățite care vă oferă o rezoluție mai mare și o performanță mai bună. Acest set cu cască este un favorit ferm printre simulatorii de curse și cei de zbor.
Meta Quest Pro is currently marketed at £999.99 / $999.99 USD (256 GB)
Meta Quest 2 (Discontinued by Meta)
The Quest 2 was a watershed moment for virtual reality. Originally sold as a loss leader, the price has gone up and now come back down as it finds its place as the entry level headset in the Quest range. But don’t let that fool you, the Quest 2 is an excellent headset that has introduced millions of users to the wonders of virtual reality.
Meta have recently discontinued the Quest 2 in place of their new Quest 3S unit. Although there will be second hand units available on the market it is important to consider the likelihood that there may not be ongoing software updates and support from Meta for this headset. Other things to consider include the size of the Quest 2 headset in comparison to the smaller headsets of the Quest 3, 3s and Pro. Depending on your shooting technique and how you mount the gun, some users may find that their headset makes contact with the trigger controller. However, Mega VR have worked hard on the design of our Simstock to ensure Quest 2 users will still be able to fully enjoy their experience by being able to adjust the gunstock to suit your every need.
Meta Quest 2 is currently marketed for under £200 on the second hand market
Clay Hunt VR
La Mega VR ne place absolut Clay Hunt VR. Shooters sunt capabili să practice o mare varietate de sporturi de tir, inclusiv:
TRAGERE DE LUT: capcană americană și internațională, capcană dublă, skeet și lut sport cu mai multe curse.
VÂNATOARE DE PĂSĂRI: Rațe, porumbei și fazani conduc în diferite provocări de vânătoare de păsări!
MULTIJUCATOR: Shooters pot juca, de asemenea, jocuri multiplayer prin alăturarea canalului Discord, care organizează competiții regulate, dar vă permite și să jucați în camere private cu prietenii!
Acest sim le permite jucătorilor să-și tragă drumul, cu diferite niveluri de dificultate, de la începător la standard profesionist.