VR Gunstock for Meta Quest 2, Quest 3, Quest 3S and Quest Pro


The most authentic and adjustable VR gunstock for use with Clay Hunt VR

Our junior sized, super-lightweight stock for the next generation of shooters



Shooting into the future

Wir wissen, dass viele von Ihnen VR noch nicht einmal als brauchbares Trainingsgerät für das Schießen in Betracht gezogen haben. Wir bei MegaVR sind davon überzeugt, dass die virtuelle Realität in der Zukunft des Schießens eine wichtige Rolle spielen wird. Zukünftige Champions haben möglicherweise ihre ersten Sandplätze in VR geschlagen! Erfahren Sie mehr darüber, was Virtual Reality für Ihr Spiel tun kann.

Passen Sie es an jede Waffe an

The Simstock (formerly known as The Duck Hunter) has been carefully designed to enable more adjustments than any of our competitors (and “real” adjustable stocks worth thousands). As well as length of pull and comb height and tilt, you can make advanced adjustments such as butt length, angle, rotation as well as independent comb and butt cast, making it the perfect companion for professional and competitive clay shooters as well as those wishing to play purely for pleasure!

Mit unseren benutzerfreundlichen Rändelrädern oder mit den praktisch unter dem Schaft verstauten Inbusschlüsseln können Anpassungen ganz einfach im Handumdrehen vorgenommen werden.

Verbessern Sie Ihr echtes Spiel mit einem VR Gunstock

Having a well fitted gun is essential to ensuring your gun shoots where you are looking – this has been at the heart of our design for the Simstock.  At MegaVR we recognise the huge potential for VR as a sports training tool, allowing virtual athletes to train in the comfort of their own homes in sports which are otherwise purely outdoor activities and limited by the weather!

Clay Hunt VR

Clay Hunt VR by Shotgun Gaming Oy is the ultimate shotgun shooting simulator. Shooters can enjoy a huge range of disciplines from trap (American, International & double), skeet (American, Olympic and English), sporting clays with forest and lake courses, pheasant drives, pigeon shoots or duck hunting!  You can build your own custom courses, play with friends or others from around the globe in multiplayer rooms and even hunt upland quail or wild boar with rifles!

Built with realistic physics and ballistics, as well as instant feedback shot analysis which offers shooters the ability to see where you have hit and missed shots, as well as the trajectory of your barrel throughout your shot.

Shooters can custom tailor a large number of variables for the gun, from high rib to low rib, point of impact can be adjusted, chokes tubes selected, types of guns from over under, autoloader, side by side, and pump.

Find out more about Clay Hunt VR and all the simulator has to offer!

Let your friends try the Simstock

Have no fear, adjustments are quick and easy to do and you can make note of your main settings with built in measurement marks. The Simstock can also easily be converted from right to left-handed within a couple of minutes.

Try the Simstock at our Exhibitions!

We are so proud of the incredible responses we receive at exhibitions! Everyone is always blown away by the realism of the simulator and always come away with the most amazing smiles on their faces!

Quest 3 / Quest 3S and Quest Pro Compatible

Benutzer können a genießen Einzelcontroller-Setup mit dem Aufgabe 3, 3S and Pro

Abnehmbares Gewicht

The Simstock will feel just like holding your own gun thanks to the fit and the steel weight secreted in the barrel which can be easily removed when arms are tired but minds wish to play on or for younger shooters! Without the weight the gunstock weighs approximately 1.7kg/3.7lb. With the weight it is ca. 2,5 kg. 

Gewichtsset hinzufügen

Für diejenigen mit schwereren Gewehrschäften, die das Gewicht ihrer Waffe genau nachahmen möchten, kann optional mehr Gewicht hinzugefügt werden  Zusatzgewichtssatz. The Simstock can be increased to weigh up to 3.8kg (8.4lbs) using the weight kit. Our weights allow precise 15g (1/2 ounce) increments to get precisely the balance you desire.  

SUPER HEAVY Add on Weight Kit

Even those with the heaviest of guns can replicate the weight of their gun with our new SUPER HEAVY weight kit (up to 4.6kg (10lbs)).

Probieren Sie exklusive Kurse aus

Mit Clay Hunt VR erhalten Sie erstklassige Einrichtungen und nicht nur das, Sie haben den ganzen Ort für sich allein, um so lange zu üben, wie Sie möchten! Sie können sich auch mit Freunden zu einem Shooting treffen. Sie werden überrascht sein, wie sehr es sich anfühlt, mit ihnen zusammen zu sein.  

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Virtual Reality bietet Hobby-, Profi- und Amateurschützen gleichermaßen die Möglichkeit, ihr Spiel bequem von zu Hause aus in der realen Welt zu verbessern. Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie könnten so lange sicher trainieren, wie Sie möchten ... und das mit unbegrenzter Munition!

Wir alle wissen, wie frustrierend es sein kann, ein paar Stunden mit Schießen zu verbringen und dann festzustellen, dass das Ziel nicht stimmt und Sie Schüsse verpasst haben, die Sie nicht hätten machen sollen. Und das Problem ist, dass sich dieses Problem nur verschlimmert, je weniger Sie die Möglichkeit haben, rauszugehen und zu üben. Es kann Ihnen den Spielspaß wirklich verderben. Mit VR muss das nicht mehr der Fall sein!

VR hat sich im Laufe der Jahre rasant weiterentwickelt und so viele Menschen sind schockiert über den Realismus des Schießerlebnisses. Dies wird mit Metas neuestem Angebot, dem Quest 3, noch weiter vorangetrieben, das sich durch verbesserte Rechenleistung, höhere Auflösung und Bildwiederholfrequenz auszeichnet und die Grafik für den Spieler verbessert. Offensichtlich eine wichtige Sache, wenn Sie versuchen, kleine Tonschichten aus der Ferne zu erkennen! VR bietet ein völliges Eintauchen in das Spiel … Sie sind auf dem Feld ohne Schlamm und Regen!

When combined with a fully adjustable gunstock, like the Simstock, all your senses are onboard. Now it can LOOK and FEEL, like you are shooting your own gun. The Simstock can be adjusted to match any gun and with an internal weight to mimic the weight and balance of your gun – any training you do in VR transfers to the real world. Accurate shooting is largely about training your muscle memory which is why the Simstock is designed to be able to match your real gun as much as possible.

Wenn Sie sich die Zeit nehmen, zu Hause zu üben, werden Sie nicht nur Ihr Spiel verbessern, sondern auch mehr Spaß daran haben! Darüber hinaus bieten Spiele wie Clay Hunt VR die Möglichkeit, auf Knopfdruck verschiedene Disziplinen auszuprobieren. Sie können innerhalb weniger Minuten vom Tonschießen über Tontaubenschießen bis hin zu Tauben- oder Fasanenschießen wechseln! Warum sollten Sie sich einschränken?

Read more about what our customers love about using the Simstock

1. VR Headset & Controllers (Meta Quest 2*,  Quest 3, Quest 3S or Quest Pro) 

*now discontinued by Meta

2. VR Gunstock (Mega VR Simstock)

3. VR-Spiel (Clay Hunt VR)

Lesen Sie hier mehr

Ja! Und Sie müssen uns nicht beim Wort vertrauen, schauen Sie sich die Bewertungen an und Sie können es tun Sehen Sie, was unsere Kunden sagen

Some of the improvements customers have reported are improved scores in their real shooting as well as a reduction in micro-flinch with recoil and improved eye-shift after practicing with the Simstock.

Die Möglichkeit, mit unbegrenzten Tontauben und Munition zu üben, ermöglicht es Ihnen, das Muskelgedächtnis wirklich aufzubauen, das sich auf Ihr reales Spiel übertragen lässt. Aber nur, wenn Sie den richtigen Bestand haben!

CLAY SHOOTING: American & International trap, double trap, skeet and sporting clays with multiple courses including forest* and lake courses*.

You can also build your own courses on the Creative mode enabling you to practice exactly what you want!

HUNTING: Ducks, pigeons, pheasant drives, upland quail* and boar hunting*. There is also now also sporting hunt which enables players top play with sporting clays rules but with birds and rabbits! 

MULTIPLAYER: Join the Clay Hunt VR Facebook Group or Discord channel and participate on competitions or go shooting with friends… You will be surprised by how much it feels like you’re actually shooting together (up to 5 shooters).

*for an additional one time fee of £4.99.

Find out more about Clay Hunt VR

Ja absolut. Mit dieser Simulation kommen Sie dem echten Schießen so nah wie möglich, ganz bequem von zu Hause aus!

Meta Quest 3 (128 GB & 512 GB)

Launched in October 2023, the Quest 3 offers a number of upgrades over the Quest 2. The headset is slimmer and the controllers are self-tracking, meaning they no longer need the bulky halo found on the Quest 2. The result of these upgrades for Simstock users is the ability to shoot using a one controller set-up and zero chance of the headset making contact with the controller no matter how far forward you mount on the gunstock. 

Advanced hardware stack and the first headset with the Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2, delivering double the GPU processing power for faster load times and more seamless gameplay compared to Quest 2. 

The resolution has been enhanced by nearly 30% compared to Quest 2 for next-level clarity and lifelike graphics. Pancake lens provides a slimmer optic profile without compromising the depth of your visual immersion and provide increased sharpness.

Custom prescription lens are also now available for those of us who wear glasses and wish to play for longer without glass fog.

Metaquest 3 is available at £409.99 / $379.99 USD (128 GB)

£469.99  / $449.99 USD (512GB).

Meta Quest 3S (128 GB & 256 GB)

Meta’s latest offering is the Quest 3S which was bought out as a direct replacement and upgrade to the Quest 2 headset.  The Quest 3S features the same mixed reality experience as Quest 3, with 4.5 times the resolution and colour compared to Quest 2.  Visuals are crisper, load times are faster and performance is smoother thanks to the Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2 chipset. Like the Quest 3, the Quest 3S can be used with a one controller set-up with the Simstock. It offers a fantastic product for those shooters who are considering purchasing their first VR headset purely for use with Clay Hunt VR and comes at a fantastic price point.

Prescription lens are also now available for the 3S.

Meta Quest 3S is available at £289.99 / $299.99 USD (128 GB)

£379.99 / $399.99 (256 GB)

Meta Quest Pro (256 GB)

Der Quest Pro is Meta’s premium headset and many of the upgrades you see in the Quest 3 were first introduced with the Quest Pro. Again there is a slimmer headset and self-tracking controllers enabling a one controller set-up for your gunstock. The Quest Pro has upgraded lens and processor which gives you a higher resolution and better performance. This headset is a firm favourite amongst sim racers and flight simers.

Meta Quest Pro is currently marketed at £999.99 / $999.99 USD (256 GB)

Meta Quest 2 (Discontinued by Meta)

The Quest 2 was a watershed moment for virtual reality. Originally sold as a loss leader, the price has gone up and now come back down as it finds its place as the entry level headset in the Quest range. But don’t let that fool you, the Quest 2 is an excellent headset that has introduced millions of users to the wonders of virtual reality.

Meta have recently discontinued the Quest 2 in place of their new Quest 3S unit. Although there will be second hand units available on the market it is important to consider the likelihood that there may not be ongoing software updates and support from Meta for this headset. Other things to consider include the size of the Quest 2 headset in comparison to the smaller headsets of the Quest 3, 3s and Pro. Depending on your shooting technique and how you mount the gun, some users may find that their headset makes contact with the trigger controller.  However, Mega VR have worked hard on the design of our Simstock to ensure Quest 2 users will still be able to fully enjoy their experience by being able to adjust the gunstock to suit your every need.

Metaquest 2 is currently marketed for under £200 on the second hand market

Meta Quest 3 (128 GB & 512 GB)

Metaquest 3 is available at £409.99 / $379.99 USD (128 GB)

£469.99  / $449.99 USD (512GB).

Meta Quest 3S (128 GB & 256 GB)

Meta Quest 3S is available at £289.99 / $299.99 USD (128 GB)

£379.99 / $399.99 (256 GB)

Meta Quest Pro (256 GB)

Meta Quest Pro is currently marketed at £999.99 / $999.99 USD (256 GB)

Meta Quest 2 (Discontinued by Meta)

Metaquest 2 is currently marketed for under £200 on the second hand market

Ja! Die Quest 3 Controller passen in die vorhandenen Griffe. 

In fact, the Simstock is better than ever with the Quest 3 and 3S due to the higher resolution and clarity. Clay Hunt VR has never been so good!

Absolutely! The Simstock was designed to solve all the problems Quest 2 users may encounter when trying to use a gunstock in VR. Namely the limited space you have due to the size of the headset and the halo ring on the controllers. The Simstock’s innovative adjustable stock offers the best possible fit no matter where you mount the gun.

Meta have now discontinued the Quest 2 but units are still available on the second-hand market. We do however recommend the Quest 3 and 3S over the Quest 2 because of the improved visuals and ability to shoot with one controller setup.

Nein, die Meta Quest-Headsets können separat erworben werden. 

The prices on this website are for the MegaVR Simstock.

You will need a Meta Quest 2, Quest 3, Quest 3S or Quest Pro in order to use the MegaVR Simstock.

These can be purchased direct from Meta or from other stores.

Clay Hunt VR is available from the App Lab for £22.99. Kaufen Sie Clay Hunt VR 

There are currently several add-ons for £4.99 each including forest courses, lake courses, boar hunting and upland quail.

Yes, the Simstock has been designed to enable shooters to adjust as much as is necessary to match their own real gun as closely as possible.  

The Simstock is the only product available that will allow this level of adjustment and this is something we are very proud of.

We suggest that customers draw around their real gun and then make adjustments on the Simstock until it matches the outline.

Es gibt Linealskalen für die Zuglänge und Kammschieber, damit Sie kleine Anpassungen im Auge behalten können. Das bedeutet auch, dass Sie anderen ermöglichen können, sich sicher an ihre Bedürfnisse anzupassen, in der Gewissheit, dass Sie Ihre Einstellungen schnell wiederherstellen können.

The Simstock contains a weight secreted in the barrel which can be easily removed when arms are tired but minds wish to play on!

Ohne das Gewicht the gunstock weighs approximately 1.7kg/3.7lb.

Mit dem Gewicht it is about 2.6kg/5.5lbs and balances like a longer barrelled shotgun.

Bei Bedarf kann dem Zylinderprofil mehr Gewicht hinzugefügt werden Zusatzgewichtssatz!

Mit dem Zusatzgewichtssatz you can add up to an extra 1.3kg (2.9lbs) to your Simstock to bring it up to 3.9kg (8.4lbs).

The weight kit includes a front box and a rear box. 

Das Zusatzgewichtssystem verwendet verzinkte Plattenscheiben und ermöglicht präzise 15-g-Schritte (1/2 Unze), um genau die gewünschte Balance zu erreichen. Die hintere Gewichtsbox kann auch vor und zurück verschoben werden, um weitere Balanceeinstellungen zu ermöglichen.

The washers are locked securely in place with the orange wingnuts and each unit has a flexible rubber-like cover to conceal the metal and retain the stylish looks the Simstock is known for.

We now also offer the SUPER HEAVY add on weight kit which adds a third box to the weight system bringing the stock up to 10lbs (4.6kg)! Making it perfect for those with heavier gunstocks.

The stock balances on one finger close to where the gun would break in real life. Some customers have suggested the balance feels like that of a longer barrelled gun. If you want to adjust the weight and balance further the optional Zusatzgewichtssatz will allow you to add up to an extra 1.3kg (2.9lbs) to your Simstock to bring it up to 3.8kg (8.4lbs).  Das Zusatzgewichtssystem verwendet Plattenscheiben und ermöglicht präzise 15-g-Schritte (1/2 Unze), um genau die gewünschte Balance zu erreichen.

With the SUPER HEAVY add on weight kit you can now take your Simstock up to 4.6kg (10lbs)! 

The lower quality gunstocks available for the Meta Quest give a temporary illusion of a useful tool but their drawbacks quickly become apparent. 

The Simstock is designed from the ground up to be incredibly customisable. Any adjustment you do get on the cheaper gunstocks is rudimentary and superficial at best. 

With the Simstock, you actually feel like you are holding a shotgun… And not just any shotgun: if you like you can adjust the fit, weight and balance to match your real gun almost exactly, allowing genuine practice that transfers directly to your real shooting. 

The Simstock is at its heart a simple concept but in order to achieve all our goals, it ended up being more than 40 individual 3D printed components, plus more than 80 pieces of high quality metal hardware. 

Der 3D-Druck hat in kurzer Zeit einen sehr langen Weg zurückgelegt. Möglicherweise haben Sie in der Vergangenheit 3D-Drucke von schlechter Qualität gesehen, die scheinbar nur von begrenztem Nutzen waren. Diese Zeiten sind vorbei! 

Unsere 3D-Drucker sind Spitzentechnologie und in der Lage, unglaublich hochwertige Komponenten herzustellen, die stabil und attraktiv sind und sich gut anfühlen. 

We have a deep appreciation for woodworking and particularly for shotgun stocks but the adjustments available on the Simstock simply would not have been possible without 3D printing. 

We considered wooden components for the Simstock but we quickly came to the conclusion that it would make it impossible to achieve the adjustments we wanted and actually of dubious benefit. 

Zumindest wäre der Kamm aus Kunststoff gewesen; dann spielt es keine Rolle, ob der Schaft aus Holz ist, da kein Teil Ihres Körpers tatsächlich mit dem Holz in Kontakt kommen würde. 

Der Vorderteil bringt noch eine Reihe weiterer Herausforderungen mit sich. Um das Gewicht in den Lauf zu bringen, müssen die Seitenwände des Vorderschafts zu dünn sein, als dass Holz eine brauchbare Option wäre. 

3D printing has come on in leaps and bound in the last couple of years. If you have seen poor quality 3D prints in the past, please don’t let that be your vision of the Simstock! 

Dies ist ein Premiumprodukt zu einem erschwinglichen Preis. Wir sind unglaublich stolz auf die Qualität der Passform und Verarbeitung, die wir erreicht haben, und alle unsere Kunden waren sehr angenehm überrascht, dies selbst zu entdecken, als sie die Verpackung öffneten. 

For the record, our lead designer is also an amateur acoustic guitar maker with a stash of beautiful exotic wood for future guitars and it was his decision to use 3D printing for the Simstock rather than wood. 

In unserem Fall auf keinen Fall!

Früher war es allerdings manchmal so, daher kann man es mir verzeihen, wenn man so denkt. In der Vergangenheit gab es ein breites Qualitätsspektrum. Einige Drucker erzielten hervorragende Ergebnisse, aber es war eine ganz eigene Fähigkeit, und jemand anderes mit den gleichen Maschinen konnte einen Druck mit viel geringerer Qualität produzieren. 

Wir verwenden die neuesten und besten verfügbaren Drucker. Es ist immer noch eine Kunst, die Einstellungen fein abzustimmen, um das bestmögliche Ergebnis zu erzielen, aber es handelt sich dabei um viel robustere und qualitativ hochwertigere Maschinen, die zuverlässig ein Produkt produzieren, das mit jeder anderen Form der Fertigung mithalten kann. 

We are 3D printing evangelists, here. There are things you can do with 3D printing that were unimaginable previously. Our thumbwheels for example, are custom designed by us and 3D printed but because plastic threads would never be capable of withstanding the torque, they feature an encapsulated stainless steel nut. Batches of thumbwheels are printed and at a certain point, the print pauses and the nuts are added… then the printer carries on printing over them, trapping them into a lifelong servitude holding your Simstock together! It means we can design the perfect thumbwheel and still have all the strength of stainless steel. 

At present the Simstock does not offer a recoil experience, although this is something we are keen to continue developing in the future. 

Our customers have reported that shooting with the Simstock without the recoil actually allows you to train without that “micro-flinch” reaction we are all so used to. Customers have found this has been beneficial to their real world game.

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Hergestellt im Vereinigten Königreich

Entworfen und präzise 3D-gedruckt im Vereinigten Königreich mit hochwertigem, in Großbritannien hergestelltem Filament.